MS Girl’s Skills & Drills
In the Bearcat Arena
Tomorrow, Friday Oct. 28th.
3/4 Grade, 5:00-5:45
5/6 Grade, 5:45-6:30
The current leaders for Dollar Wars are....
3rd Grade - Mrs. Haden
4th Grade - Mrs. Griffin
5th Grade - Mrs. Sandy
6th Grade - Ms. Thomas
Tomorrow is the LAST day to bring your dollars! Remember, the highest earning class in each grade will receive a pizza party!
5th and 6th grade October Student’s of the Month!
6th grade girls:
Girls Junior High Soccer tryouts will be on November 7th and November 14th on the High School Football field at 5:30. Interested girls are welcome to come to only one or both sessions. Tryouts are for 6th-8th grade girls. Please complete the form if interested.
The current Dollar War leaders are:
3rd grade- Mrs. Harris’ homeroom
4th grade- Mrs. Griffin’s homeroom
5th grade- Mrs. Sandy’s homeroom
6th grade-Ms. Thomas’ homeroom
Keep up the great work Bearcats!
Money will continue to be collected through Friday!
MS Girl’s Basketball Tryouts will be on November 7th from 3:30pm-6:00pm in the MS gym.
3rd and 4th Grade October Students of the Month!
3rd grade Boys Basketball tryouts have been MOVED to this Thursday and Friday until 4:30pm due to the state volleyball tournament. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Sports pictures - MS Cheer, Boys Football and Travel Girls Volleyball pictures will be taken tomorrow, October 25th (order forms must be turned in before pictures are taken). Make-up pictures have been rescheduled for November 1st at 10:00 AM. Fall pictures should arrive today or tomorrow and will be sent home so they can decide if they want a re-take or not. Order forms will be available in the office or parents can order online.
Dollar Wars begins tomorrow! All proceeds go directly towards the Food Backpack program that supplies weekly food bags to Brookland students! The highest earning homeroom in each grade level will receive a pizza party!
The first Skills and Drills session for middle school girls basketball this Monday has been MOVED to Middle School Gym.
Special thanks to our wonderful @Brookland Middle School PTO for providing Chick Fil A for all of our teachers during Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Link to form:
Students are gearing up for their Neon Dance pictures! The amazing balloon arch was created by The Bloom House.
Gift Baskets are coming in! Don’t forget baskets will be open for bid tomorrow during PTCs and through Sunday on the Middle School Facebook page! All proceeds go directly to PBIS events.
MS Girl’s basketball mini-clinic information!
Shoutout to The Rock Jonesboro for providing sonic drinks to all of our staff today! Thank you so much!
Shoutout to BMS students and families for all of the food donations! All donations will be going to assist the NEA Food Bank.
Happy Boss’s Day to two of the finest! Thank you Mr. Wright and Mrs. Pearson for all that you do for Brookland Middle!
Last Chance for Special Education T-Shirt Sale
Orders will be accepted through tomorrow, Oct. 18th!