Some BMS floats enjoying the homecoming parade #bearcatproud #bpsfbhoco22
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
BMS enjoyed the 2022 Football Homecoming Parade! #bearcatproud #bpsfbhoco22
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
More cowboy’s and cowgirl’s all over BMS! #bearcatproud #BHOCO22
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
Cowboys and cowgirls ready for homecoming day 4!
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
BMS homecoming
Pep rallies were a hit today at the BMS!
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
BMS pep rally
BMS pep rally
BMS pep rally
Some great-looking, tacky tourists today!
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
tacky tourist
tacky tourist
BMS Cheerleading Fundraiser!
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
BMS Cheer Fundraiser
Our 6th grade girls also competed this weekend in the Lil' Blazer Blast and were champions of the Pink division!🏆
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
6th Grade Volleyball Team Winners
6th Grade Volleyball Team Winners
6th Grade Volleyball Team Winners
Don't forget about the Food Drive and Homecoming dress-up days! Beginning on Monday!
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
Food Drive
Homecoming Dress Up Days
4th Grade MS Boy's Basketball tryout dates have changed to Oct. 31st and Nov. 1st. Previous post will be updated. Please contact Coach Pickens at for any further questions.
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
This an opportunity for winter-wear for those in need!
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
Lawson Road Church of Christ Coat Drive
MS Basketball Tryout Dates: 6th Grade - Oct. 17, 18 5th Grade - Oct. 19, 20 4th Grade - Oct. 24, 25 3rd Grade - Oct. 26, 27 Interested students are welcome to attend their grade level dates after school until 4:30pm. Both dates are not required but are encouraged.
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
3rd graders enjoying their field trip to Parker’s Pioneer Homestead!
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
Bearcat Cheer Spirit Store!
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
cheer spirit store
5th graders enjoying their PBIS recess!
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
PBIS recess
PBIS recess
PBIS recess
PBIS recess
Students participating in See You at the Pole!
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
See you at the pole
See you at the pole
See you at the pole
5th and 6th grade September students of the month!
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
student of the month
student of the month
One more 4th grade Student of the Month winner!
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
student of the month
September 3rd and 4th Grade Student of the Month winners! Huge thank you to Mr. Jim’s Pizza for sponsoring this years yard signs.
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
Parents and Guardians, Both Flu Clinic forms, FERPA and AR Dept. of Health form (Front and Back), are due by tomorrow, Wednesday, September 28th. Flu Clinic will be on October 4th.
about 2 years ago, Brookland Middle School