Happy birthday, Ms. Greenway! 🥳🎉

Thank you, Mr. Daniel Vangilder, for volunteering to be a WATCH DOG TODAY! #bearcatproud

Thank you, Mr. Anthony Flanagan, for volunteering to be a WATCH DOG today. #bearcatproud

Brookland Elementary School will host Awards Day on May 18.

Happy birthday!!🥳🎉

Happy Birthday!🎉 #bearcatproud

Thank you, Mr. Dillard, for volunteering to be a Watch Dog! #beatcatproud

Thank you, Mr. Childers, for volunteering to be a Watch Dog!! #bearcatproud

You’d catch Mrs. Faulkenberry’s Class
surfin’ at BES!

Mrs. Son’s class enjoyed having Abbie’s mom, Mrs. Casie, as a Mystery Reader last week. She got the students excited about summertime by reading a book about summer activities, treating them to popsicles, and giving each student a goodie bag full of fun surprises. It was a great celebration! ☀️🍉😎

Mrs. Son’s class loved having Patricia’s mom, Mrs. Anne, as their Mystery Reader on Cinco de Mayo. Mrs. Anne read an informational book about the history behind the holiday and shared some other interesting facts about Mexico. She also helped the students make traditional tissue paper flowers and treated them to delicious churros from Sandy’s Mexican Bakery.

Hynleigh’s mom was the mystery reader in Mrs. Son’s class on Earth Day. She read a book about our amazing planet, did a craft with the students, and brought a healthy treat. 🌎

Last week to turn your Odyssey of the Mind Camp forms in. We still have a few spots left! We would love to see you there! If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Barnes at pbarnes@bpsbearcats.com 💡

Happy Birthday! 🎉

Thank you, Mr. Josh Alkire, for volunteering to be a WATCH DOG today. #bearcatproud

Happy Birthday! #bearcatproud

Thank you, Mr. Cavazos, for volunteering to be a WATCH DOG! #bearcatproud

Thank you, Mr. Houston, for volunteering to be a WATCH DOG! #bearcatproud

Mrs. Faulkenberry's class had lots of
Bounce House Fun!

Mrs Clark’s class didn’t want this week to get by without thanking our Special Class teachers! We love you and appreciate all you do for us!❤️🐾