Great Job!!!! Ringing the Success Bell! ❤️🐾 #bearcatproud

Happy Birthday!🎈 #bearcatproud

Mrs. Lawrence’s friends played “Roll, Cover, Write” to work on the difference between nouns and verbs.

Mrs. Lawrence’s friends played “Roll, Cover, Write” to work on the difference between nouns and verbs.

The BES Flu Clinic forms will be sent home soon. Please return completed forms by September 29. The flu vaccines will be administered by the Craighead County Health Department on October 2. Please note - Students will only receive the vaccine if all parts of the consent forms are completed. ❤️🐾

Mrs. Burke’s class has been enjoying hands-on and partner activities with their math lessons!

The deadline for ordering Homecoming Shirts is tomorrow, September 21!

Thank you so much for the cookie dough orders! There is still time to turn in your payment and forms if you missed today. We appreciate your support! 🤩🍪🐾

Happy Birthday!🎁 #bearcatproud

Tomorrow is the day to turn in cookie dough! Those who sold six items will attend the Bounce House event. Fifteen or more items will earn your child a chance in the drawing to win an iPad and a drone. Thank you so much for supporting our fundraiser!

Happy Birthday!🎈 #bearcatproud

The annual BPS Title 1 Parent Meeting will be at 6pm on Thursday, Sept. 21st via Zoom. Use this link to attend: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85667792546?pwd=WE9MbEd5L3YyVXpwQXhCdnJvQWRFUT09

Happy Birthday!🎁 #bearcatproud

Happy birthday, Mrs. Stone!! 🥳😊

Happy belated birthday, Mrs. Allen!!🥳🎉

Happy belated birthday, Mrs. Allen!!🥳🎉

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. If you would like to show support, BES will be wearing gold this Friday (9/22).

School picture day will be Tuesday, September 19!

Don't forget to turn in your cookie dough orders and money this Wednesday, September, 20th! Please make sure your child's name and teacher are on the form. We appreciate your support.

Mrs. Rupard’s friends enjoyed learning about bridges and had fun creating their own!