Happy Birthday!🎈 #bearcatproud

Thank you for being such great role models for our younger students. Congrats, 3rd Grade🌟September Star Students🌟🌟!

We are so proud of the 2nd Grade🌟September Star Students 🌟🙌🏻

1st Grade🌟September Star Students🌟🌟Congratulations!

The Boys start the War Trivia for Chapter 1 is tomorrow! Listen to Chapter 1 being read by Mrs. Lantz.

We have friends with Rett Syndrome and Down Syndrome in our BES classes. Please join us in showing our support for them by wearing purple (Retts 💜) on Monday, Oct. 9th
and blue & yellow (Down Syndrome 💙💛) on Monday, Oct. 16th.

Congratulations to Abbie Hagans on being the Star Student of the month in Mrs. Clark’s class! 🤩

We had a DINO mite mystery reader in Mrs. McMorries class!

Mrs. Faulkenberry’s class presented their sequencing activity today, they did a GREAT job! ❤️ There was an Old Lady who Swallowed…a Fairy Tale, a Ghost, a Bat, a Turkey and some Books!

Mrs. Dacus' class enjoyed learning about owls and examining owl pellets. 🦉

Mrs. Lawrence’s class ended our unit on owls this week by dissecting owl pellets! We had so much fun trying to figure out what each bone was from!!🦉

Eva’s big sis was Mrs. Mullins mystery reader today. Lots of fun was had with snacks, glasses and coloring !!!

Ms. Baker’s September Star Student! Congratulations Landon!

First grade had some fun dissecting owl pellets after learning about owls this week! Great end to an awesome week.

Happy Birthday, Ms. Scarlett!🎉 #bearcatproud

Homecoming Parade ❤️🐾 #bearcatproud

Homecoming Parade ❤️🐾 #bearcatproud

BHS Homecoming! Go Bearcats! 🐾❤️

CAT time was "electrifying" this week for our first graders! #beARcatnation #bearcatproud

Happy Birthday!🎉 #bearcatproud