Mrs. Vallance’s class had the best time with their Mystery Reader today! Thank you Mrs. Brandi Snell for reading “The Halloween Tree” and for the fun craft and cupcakes!!

What a fun day in Mrs. Faulkenberry’s Class! Happy Happy Halloween!🎃

Mrs. Rupard’s friends had a wonderful day at school! They got a visit from Bat-Dog. Lorelei’s dad rode his pet ostrich to do story time! We had a painted pumpkin competition and helped design Mrs. Rupard’s Halloween costume. We also had our 2nd House competition! Great day to be a Bearcat!

Happy Halloween from Ms. Askeland's ghouls and goblins!! 😅

Mrs. Tate’s class turned out the lights and enjoyed some flashlight reading today! 🔦📚

Thank you, Mrs. Lantz, for another great newsletter - 2023 November Paw Prints!

Mrs. Hughes is excited to share "The Boys start the War" Chapter 10 - Siren Song! Chapter 10 trivia will be Wednesday. Please tap "download" to play if prompted.

Happy birthday, Mrs. Ford! 🥳🎉
Thank you Crumbl Cookies for providing cookies to celebrate our birthdays!!

Happy birthday, Mrs. Crane!!🥳🎉

Happy Birthday! 🎃 #bearcatproud

Thank you Mr. Raveendran for volunteering to be a Watch DOG! We appreciate you so much!! 🐾❤️

Thank you Mr. Hoke for volunteering to be a Watch DOG! We appreciate you so much!🐾❤️

Thank you Mr. Weaver for volunteering to be a Watch DOG! We appreciate you so much!🐾❤️

November Breakfast and Lunch Menus

Thank you, Mr. Futrell, for volunteering to be a Watch DOG! We appreciate you so much!❤️🐾

Happy Birthday!🎈 #bearcatproud

Listen as Mrs. McMorries reads "The Boys start the War" Chapter 9 - Ransom! Chapter 9 Trivia will be Monday, Oct. 30. Please tap "download" to play if prompted.

Mrs. Barnes is hosting a pageant this January In Memory of her son. This event will take place at the Brookland School Performing Arts Center and all proceeds will be donated to Local Mpact, a nonprofit organization that supports families suffering from infant loss. If you have any questions you can contact Mrs. Barnes at pbarnes@bpsbearcats.com or pbarnes0211@gmail.com.

Mrs. Fenimore's Firsties loved having Lincoln’s mom, Mrs. Katelyn as our mystery reader today! She read us a creepy fun book about pirates and ghosts!! She even brought us our own eye patches & some pirate popcorn!!
We loved the surprise on our Friday.🤍🏴☠️🍿

Mrs. Fenimore's Firsties loved having Lincoln’s mom, Mrs. Katelyn as our mystery reader today! She read us a creepy fun book about pirates and ghosts!! She even brought us our own eye patches & some pirate popcorn!!
We loved the surprise on our Friday.🤍🏴☠️🍿