BHS Roar rocks! Thank you for visiting 2nd grade today. 🎶

Thank you to BHS’s The Roar for sharing their knowledge and instruments with 2nd grade. We enjoyed hearing the band members play! 🎼

Officer Prescott is officially “Over the Hill!” Happy Birthday!!!

Happy birthday!!

Heather House is Ms. Cupp’s Kind Student for the 4th quarter. She is always the first one to volunteer to help and never hesitates to jump in to help someone who needs it. ☺️

Tomorrow is the Hat or PJ fundraiser day for Odyssey of the Mind. Don’t forget your $1!

Bayley Montgomery is Ms. Scarlett’s kind student of the quarter!! 💗💗

Happy Trails from BES PTO! Teachers enjoyed mixing their own trail mix. It was delicious!

PTO needs help with food choices and recess duty for Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you for considering!
Food Help
Recess Help

Nurse Mallory and Nurse Janelle received the sweetest gift basket this morning from 2nd grader Ella Meeks and Central Baptist Church - Paragould thanking us for what we do for BES. ❤️

May 2022 Paw Prints newsletter has lots of May dates and summer information!

Happy birthday!

Mrs. Burke is so proud of the Class of 2022 and can’t wait to see where they go as they leave our school to make a mark on the world!

Mrs. Burke is so proud of the Class of 2022 and can’t wait to see where they go as they leave our school to make a mark on the world!

Mrs. Burke is so proud of the Class of 2022 and can’t wait to see where they go as they leave our school to make a mark on the world!

Let’s celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week!

Mrs. Burke didn’t get pictures with all of her “old” kindergarten students, but she did manage to grab this one who also happens to be one of her best friend’s daughters.
I’m so proud of the Class of 2022 and can’t wait to see where they go as they leave our School to make a mark on the world! You are smart, you are special, you are loved! Be kind, work hard, and ALWAYS know you can come talk to any of us if you have any doubt in yourself- we can help ERASE that!
Love always,
Mrs. Burke

The teachers and principals of Brookland Elementary School are interested in your thoughts concerning our school. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below. All survey responses will be anonymous. Thank you for your time!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week from Mrs. Burke’s class!