Happy birthday, Officer Foust! 🥳🎉 I had to include two pictures because we couldn't leave Ozzie out!!🤣
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Jaynes
Happy birthday!! 🥳🎉
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Jaynes
Thank you, Mr. Brister, for volunteering to be a Watch Dog! #bearcatproud
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Jaynes
Happy Birthday!🎈
almost 2 years ago, Brookland Elementary
Thank you, Mr. Joseph Combs, for volunteering to be a WATCH DOG today! #bearcatproud
almost 2 years ago, Brookland Elementary
​The Brookland School Board recognized the District Odyssey of the Mind teams last night. Three of the 5 teams are headed to the OM World Finals in East Lansing, Michigan on May 24-27. Ms. Carrie Hembrey, multiple coaches, parents, and students invest an amazing amount of time to make this program second to none. #Bearcatproud
almost 2 years ago, George Kennedy
group of 7 children posing in front of bearcat sign
group of 5 children posing in front of bearcat sign
group of 4 children posing in front of bearcat sign
group of 6 children posing in front of bearcat sign
group of 4 children posing in front of bearcat sign
Happy Birthday!🎈 #bearcatproud
almost 2 years ago, Brookland Elementary
Happy Birthday!🎈 #bearcatproud
almost 2 years ago, Brookland Elementary
Thank you, Mr. Watkins, for volunteering to be a Watch Dog! 🐾
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Jaynes
The ASU Speech & Hearing Center will be hosting the Summer Reading Bootcamp again this summer. This is a great (free) resource for your students who are struggling with grade-level reading skills. A registration form is attached to this email with more information.
almost 2 years ago, Brookland Elementary School
boot camp
Ringing the Success Bell! #bearcatproud
almost 2 years ago, Brookland Elementary
Ringing the Success Bell! #bearcatproud
almost 2 years ago, Brookland Elementary
Just a reminder Keep Brookland Beautiful is this Saturday at 10:00! Please contact Katie Dillon (kdillon@bpsbearcats.com) with questions.
almost 2 years ago, Allie Brooks
Thank you, Mr. Ooley, for volunteering to be a Watch Dog!! #bearcatproud
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Jaynes
Happy belated birthday, Mrs. Wallace! 🥳🎉
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Jaynes
Happy birthday, Nurse Janelle!! 🥳🎉
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Jaynes
Today, we celebrate the one and only, Sandy McCall. Each day, she gives it her all for the students and staff of Brookland Elementary. She truly loves her job, and it shows. We are incredibly thankful to have her as our leader! Please, join us in celebrating Sandy McCall on National Principals’ Day! Aren’t we lucky to have the very BESt!! PS She loves any animal that comes into the building as seen in this picture!!
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Jaynes
The final Paw Prints of the year! Please review for important dates and information.
almost 2 years ago, Brookland Elementary School
May menus are attached. Have a great week!
almost 2 years ago, Brookland Elementary School
Forms are coming home today for Odyssey of the Mind Summer Camp! We would love to see you there! If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Barnes at pbarnes@bpsbearcats.com 💡
almost 2 years ago, Allie Brooks