Brookland Elementary and Brookland Primary Schools are excited to offer the opportunity to purchase school supplies online through School Toolbox. Use the following link or scan the QR code. Your purchase also supports the One Box, One Meal program.

Brookland K - 3rd Class Supply List 2023-2024
* If you need assistance on any of the items please call the following:
Elementary (1st-3rd)
Tressa Davis (870) 336-6539 or Dana Ford (870) 336-6572
Primary (Kindergarten)
Office (870) 938-0610

We are so proud of our Odyssey of the Mind teams that competed at World Finals at Michigan State University this week! They worked hard all year and it paid off! Our 6th grade team placed 13th out of 61 teams in Problem 1 Division 2. Our 5th grade team placed 14th out of 56 teams in Problem 3 Division 1. Our 2nd grade team placed 12th out of 64 teams in Problem 5 Division 1. It was a great week to be a Bearcat! #beARcatnation #bearcatproud

What a FUN last week of school we had in Mrs. Faulkenberry’s Class! I hope you all have a great summer!

BES staff hopes you all have a wonderful Summer Break!!☀️

Last birthday selfie of the school year!! Happy birthday!!🥳🎉

Day 2 of World Finals is going great for our Odyssey of the Mind teams! Our 2nd grade team performed today in long-term. Our 5th and 6th graders competed in Spontaneous. They all made time for pin trading! Even Mr. Kennedy got in on the action. #beARcatnation

Happy birthday!!🥳🎉

Success bell ringer!! 🔔🎉

Happy birthday!! 🥳🎉

Happy birthday!!🥳🎉

Honored to be with the Bearcat World Finalist Odyssey of the Mind Teams in East Lansing, Michigan. #bearcatproud

Happy birthday in August!!🥳🎉

If you have a PTO Carline Paw Pass thank you for returning it to the Elementary office as soon as possible. Happy Almost Summer! 🚗🐾

Happy birthday to the students having birthdays today and throughout the summer!! 🥳🎉

Happy birthday to all our students celebrating today and throughout the summer!! 🥳🎉

Mrs. Son’s students had some ✨EXTRA✨ special mystery readers last week - their very own classmates! Students in the class were given the opportunity to sign up for a (secret) day and time to read a favorite book to their peers. It was a great experience for all involved. 📚 🐾 🤩

Don’t forget that during the last week of school, our car lines are much shorter and could end earlier due to lack of traffic. Please make sure you are dropping off and picking up on time.
Gates will be closed at 7:50 every morning this week. That is the school's start time.

Happy birthday!! Today and July birthdays!!🥳🎉

Happy birthday!! Today and July birthdays!!🥳🎉