Monday, Dec. 6th - Student Announcements Link - https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRuFSzMdEO2pT2dAECg26F4prAt3XP5uDIBSfae0B6sNAnA9rL9EsaRIxLmqOpmdw/pub

The boys' basketball teams play Pocahontas at home tonight.

Brown's Graduation will be here Wednesday morning to take orders for Jrs/Srs.

20th Annual Brookland Christmas Parade will be Sunday, December 5th at 2pm; judging begins at 1pm. Line-up will be on the high school parking lot. Theme is "Christmas Classics".

JROTC Drill Meet is tomorrow morning

Virgil goes to Hollywood starts tonight and has a 2nd showing Saturday Night!

Chicken Fried Steak Sandwich
Baked Beans
Taco Line
Pizza Line

Friday, Dec. 3rd - Student Announcements Link - https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRStG3O2HYEU1pvJoNeudqloect13BC6Uu5f_FGNiB6s-2zH3JLgfl0nCXHpur76w/pub

Thursday, Dec. 2nd - Student Announcements Link - https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSFxh4alzcRMi0-xcW-LBtAqUYi4MvvQJPR0vqCTC2De6SJcir2oaVbf7PVHSwr9A/pub

PBIS Students of the Month for November. For this award, students are nominated and voted on by the teachers. These students have the
WIN attitude -
W - illing to learn,
I- nspiring others
N - urturing school pride.
The November students of the month are Cade Collins and Annalee Bauders.

Wednesday, Dec. 1st - Student Announcements Link - https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vT0d2kPOtR38ZvJA038ii90-dfyf5Gqt36iSRrQu3DUfbVCvmQJ5aPvSFh4u97xmw/pub

The boys' basketball team will play this Thursday night @ 8:30PM against Bentonville in the 36th Annual Barry Pruitt Hurricane Classic at the Don Riggs Hurricane Gymnasium.

Tuesday, Nov. 30th Student Announcements Link - https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTRydnnRKDlwsr4ZM2nffpYffdWioAS5ehqNU8YoNd2WkL-3629iwp2NDhhiQA21w/pub

ASVAB will be December 13th. Seniors will be out that morning to take the test.

PBIS celebration grades 10-12 this Friday the 19th.

Saturday, at the A-State Open Marching Contest, Brookland earned a Superior, placed 2nd in class and 8th overall. We also picked up several other awards:
Best Solo in Division - Abby McDaniel
2nd place Drum Major in class - Logan Bishop
1st Place Color Guard (4th overall)
The Roar goes to State Tuesday! Good Luck!

Congratulations to the Roar of Brookland! They competed this past Saturday at Cabot and were awarded first place colorguard, music, and overall band in their class. They placed 2nd overall out of 26 bands from all over the state! We are so proud of the Roar!!!!

9/29 Volleyball Games scheduled for Thursday night will be played at Annie Camp.

Drama rehearsal scheduled for Thursday after school has been cancelled.