Please be advised, Brookland Public Schools will be in session Friday, April 18th, Tuesday, May 27th, and Wednesday, May 28th to make up for missed days due to snow.
5 days ago, George Kennedy
The BPS Academic Calendar for 2025-26 school year.
7 days ago, Joshua McCorkle
calendar 202526
Due to weather, soccer matches and Softball games today have been cancelled.
7 days ago, Joshua McCorkle
As baseball, softball, and track seasons start, there are some parking and entrance changes this year with completion of the field renovations and track complex. See the map below on where to park and enter. #thebearcatway
11 days ago, Joshua McCorkle
As we continue to grow and expand, we are committed to providing you with the high-quality broadcasts you’ve come to expect from us. To enhance your viewing experience, we are moving to a new platform! You can now find all BPM games, activities, and videos on the Rumble App or at To stay connected: -Sign up for a free account on Rumble. -Follow us at BMPLive2025 to access all our content. -Click on the game link to watch live broadcasts and replays. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to bringing you the best in Bearcat Media Productions!
13 days ago, High School
Brookland Schools has a shortage of bus drivers this afternoon and one route will have to be held at the school until a driver can get back to run that second route. The affected route is 99. Parents, you are more than welcome to come and pickup your child otherwise they will be running roughly 45 minutes later than normal home. We apologize greatly for this inconvenience and will do our best to get these students home as quickly but safely as possible.
14 days ago, Patrick Matthews
Due to a bus driver shortage this morning, route 99 will not start until a driver can finish their regular route and get back out to pick up route 99's students. Route 99 will be starting approximately 60 minutes late and bus stops will be running approximately that much behind. We sincerely apologize and will strive to get these students to school as quickly and safely as possible.
15 days ago, Patrick Matthews
The Brookland School District will be closed tomorrow, Friday, February 21st. Many of our gravel roads are either covered or have areas that are and the morning wind chill is another deciding factor. Be safe and stay warm.
19 days ago, Brett Bunch
The All-State Band performances for this weekend have been canceled and the District Basketball Tournament games scheduled for tomorrow night have been pushed to Friday night. Thank you all for your understanding and support.
20 days ago, Brett Bunch
Due to refreezing over night and the potential to the safety of our students and staff Brookland School District will be closed tomorrow Thursday, February 20.
20 days ago, Brett Bunch
Bowling Overalls have been moved to next Tuesday and Coach H. has canceled the trip to the Indoor Track meet scheduled for Saturday in Fayetteville.
20 days ago, Brett Bunch
Brookland School District will be closed tomorrow Wednesday, February 19th due to inclement weather. Be safe and stay warm!!!
21 days ago, Brett Bunch
January was School Board Appreciation month. Our School Board is second to none. We are beyond thankful for their countless hours of service for our students, staff, and parents. Mr. Justin Ladd, Board Member, Mr. Brandon Sutton, Board Vice President, Mr. Colby Brooks, Board Member, Mr. Justin Allen, Board Secretary, Mr. Heath McGaughey, Board Member, Mrs. Danna Johnson, Board President, Mr. Tim McNatt, Board Member
21 days ago, George Kennedy
Mr.. Justin Ladd- Board Member
Mr. Brandon Sutton- Board Vice President
Mr. Colby Brooks- Board Member
Mr. Jason Allen- Board Secretary
Mr. Heath McGaughey, Board Member
Mrs. Danna Johnson- Board President
Mr. Tim McNatt- Board Member
The Brookland School District will release classes tomorrow, Tuesday, February 18th at 1:00. Weather conditions will be changing and safety is our main concern for our students and staff. Cat Club and all activities for tomorrow evening will also be canceled. Thank you all for your understanding and be safe.
22 days ago, Brett Bunch
Brookland Schools has a shortage of bus drivers this afternoon and one route will have to be held at the school until a driver can get back to run that second route. The affected route is 76. Parents, you are more than welcome to come and pickup your child otherwise they will be running roughly 30-40 minutes later than normal home. We apologize greatly for this inconvenience and will do our best to get these students home as quickly but safely as possible.
about 1 month ago, Patrick Matthews
Students that live on Christy, Margie, Janis, and Teresa from route 75 will be picked up by a different bus around the normal time. All other students from route 75 will still be late as stated in the previous message.
about 1 month ago, Patrick Matthews
Due to a bus driver shortage this morning, route 75 will not start until a driver can finish their regular route and get back out to pick up route 75's students. Route 75 will be starting approximately 30 minutes late and bus stops will be running approximately that much behind. We sincerely apologize and will strive to get these students to school as quickly and safely as possible.
about 1 month ago, Patrick Matthews
Brookland Schools has a shortage of bus drivers this afternoon and one route will have to be held at the school until a driver can get back to run that second route. The affected route is 95. Parents, you are more than welcome to come and pickup your child otherwise they will be running roughly 30-40 minutes later than normal home. We apologize greatly for this inconvenience and will do our best to get these students home as quickly but safely as possible.
about 1 month ago, Patrick Matthews
We continue to get reports of closed roads due to flooded conditions. We are doing our best to contact parents of children whose bus routes will be affected and with the continued rainfall the situation will undoubtedly be ongoing. Buses may need to take unexpected detours or simply just drive much slower so please be patient as we all navigate these tricky conditions. Thank you for your understanding.
about 1 month ago, Patrick Matthews
We have been advised by the City of Brookland that Cole Street in Brookland Hills has been closed due to flooding. The bus route (72) that drops off down that road will only be able to drop off at the end of the road this afternoon. Parents are more than welcome to meet the bus there and pickup their children. Please be careful as we all navigate these flood conditions across the district this afternoon.
about 1 month ago, Patrick Matthews